favicon logo for KN+SAW, Katrine Naleid and Stephen Austin Welch directors  Watch our spot Ice Age World at KNSAW.com
KNSAW Katrine Naleid-Stephen Austin Welch ice age world

behind the scenes

Check out the b-t-s photos from the set of “Ice Age World” the Burger King tv commercial we directed.

KN+SAW Katrine Naleid + Stephen Austin Welch bts behind the scenes collage 02 Burger King ice age world

“hi there.”

We are KN+SAW (Katrine Naleid and Stephen Austin Welch.) We specialize in directing live-action lifestyle spots for creatives worldwide.

We create and capture inspirational authentic lifestyle moments. Shooting real emotion is what we are all about. We compose footage that is fresh, whimsical and a little quirky—but most importantly footage that attains the creative concept. Through our directing skills we make the intangible, tangible. We are all about filming connected moments and storytelling that has surprise and payoff.

cheers, KN+SAW

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our client list includes:

Katrine Naleid and Stephen Austin Welch KN+SAW KNSAW directing duo client list 002


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